Writing a book such as "North Node Astrology" may sound a little arrogant or naïve, depending on whether or not you believe astrology has anything truly worthwhile to say about one's life direction and soul purpose. Metaphysical texts have said that one’s life direction seems to evolve through some mysterious equation of fate, character and destiny. I think the equation is best understood like this: fate + character=destiny.
Yet how do we create this middle factor--"character" with our free will? Will astrological knowledge help? If fate represents the "givens" of life, such as our sex, nationality, birth order, parents, etc. how do we respond to this fate? Where and how do we exercise the muscle of our free will to adjust the effects of fate and the qualities of character to create a positive destiny? These are some of the questions examined in my new book: "North Node Astrology; Rediscovering Your Life Direction and Soul Purpose."
I believe it is in the making of character through the depth of our insight that intrigues me. This new book hopes to give you, dear reader, a rather curious tool to dig deeper into the whys and wherefores of character and insight. And as for soul purpose, I share a common yet sacred bias here, in saying that it is ultimately bound up with our growing ability to love and be loved.
Similarly, as a counselor I’m inclined to say that one’s life direction and soul purpose is about the movement towards healing and wholeness—for who among us is not wounded and less than whole? Life direction evolves as a response to our work and life choices, and yet it has an inner trajectory as well. This inner direction is bound up with soul purpose, and is where we each are different.
Can you remember when you first heard the words of the poet, William Wordsworth, when he said “our birth is but a sleep and a forgetting, the Soul that rises with us, our life’s Star, hath had elsewhere its setting, and cometh from afar: not in entire forgetfulness, and not in utter nakedness, but trailing clouds of glory…”?
Maybe it’s true that life existed before this birth, perhaps not. However, embracing the theory of reincarnation is not necessary to get something out of this book—what I might see as the re-incarnational story, you the reader, might understand as the effect of early childhood experiences and parental DNA. Either theory works.
As you might rightly assume, my point of view is that I like the theory of reincarnation, because although not provable, it’s a way to look at the world that holds the promise of fairness and justice. It’s a hopeful bias—because we all know that life is often not “fair” to a person in one life, but it may prove to be somehow mysterious “fair” over many lifetimes. There may be an order and invisible pattern that exists when you look closely at the backside of a tapestry or when you see the “lay of the land” from the top of the mountain. The closer I look, and the farther I look, the more interesting the terrain becomes.
What are the invisible patterns we might not see? A friend once said, “Be kinder than necessary because everyone we meet is fighting some kind of battle.” What is that invisible battle we don’t see in our friend? What are the invisible patterns in our life? What happens when we detect patterns using theories such as astrology and reincarnation? Perhaps they must simply be felt and experienced rather than proven, and then decided whether they are useful or not. It is in these realms I like to probe.
So I accept reincarnation and astrology as a “kind theory” that challenges chaos and randomness. It gives me faith that there is “meaningfulness” to existence even if it can’t be proven or discerned in one life. Looking at things this way, I don’t much like the original game plan of this pattern— for it feels too cruel—yet we all go to the movies to watch a good story. We accept the drama and tragedy in a story.
In the Eastern philosophy of Vedantic Hinduism we were once all part of the One that created this great pattern or Story. It says that we live through lifetime after lifetime of lila and maya, of play and illusion, till we arrive back at the place where we started at the beginning. They believe that there is an evolutionary story evolving, and astrological wisdom also holds this to be true—that there are synchronistic correlations and resonances between things, and that an evolutionary drama is being enacted. The legendary magus, Hermes Trigmegestus once said: “As it is above, so it is below, as it is in the inner, so it is in the outer.” Man is the microcosm, the universe the macrocosm, and in some metaphysical sense they are One. I like to entertain these possibilities as being true.
So if you can suspend your skepticism about reincarnation and entertain the idea that astrological symbolism is a language best used to explore psychological and spiritual terrains—well then, I invite you to consider that there may be something in your birth chart that speaks of your specific life direction and soul purpose. ~elizabeth spring http://www.elizabethspring.com/
I also invite you to read this new book review of "North Node Astrology" by Jeff Hutner in "The New Paradigm Newswire." Click here for his book review: http://newparadigmdigest.com/1498/northnode