All posts here are from sections of the books: "North Node Astrology; Rediscovering Your Life Direction and Soul Purpose" and "Lifting the Veil; Becoming Your Own Best Astrologer" and "Astrology for the Third Act of Life" and finally "Saturn Returns~The Private Papers of A Reluctant Astrologer" All available in paperback, Kindle and Audible on

To inquire about readings or for more articles on the North/South Nodes, go to:

Friday, November 13, 2020


Soul Work

"Let us give thanks for the work we do

Let us pay homage to the gods, goddesses

symbols, sign and synchronicities

that make their appearance as grace

when the choice is made ‘to ask and then to receive.” 

When “Whether called or not called, Go is present.”

Let us give thanks for the chance to be messengers

To bring the good news that all is well

And all manner of things are well

That life has meaning

That there is a rhyme and reason

A warp and a woof, and inner and an outer,

An ‘As above, so below.”

Let us give thanks for this knowledge

That grows into wisdom

That honors life cycles as well as seasons cycles

That sees meaning, where others see despair

That sees patters, where others see chaos

That sees hope and evolution where others

See none.

Let us give thanks for this ancient soul language

That challenges us to find the words to translate

The subtle geometry of the Soul; a language

That sees little acts of change as large acts of courage

That delights at seeing the shy smile of recognition

When the personal story meets the larger story

And is truly hear.

Let us give thanks for this work

That repeatedly shows us how wrong we may be

That what we see first is not all there is

That people are far richer, more complex

And nobler than we image

And that what we see as God or human flaw

Is flawless in design. For the gift is in the effort

In the practice of reaching to understand

All the unknowable mysteries

For which are so truly grateful.”

Elizabeth Spring

Thursday, October 15, 2020

Why is the North Node the Most Important Point in the Whole Chart? Why do you need to know it? 


The North Node is the “prescription” you need for the challenges in your birth chart; it’s the soul remedy for the karmic challenges you came into this life with as shown by your South Node, the “diagnosis.” In effect, the Nodes summarize the whole chart into “here is the problem; the South Node, and here is the solution; the North Node.” 


The Nodes are based on the idea of reincarnation, and that your Soul chose the time and place to be born into so that you would grow and experience certain things in this lifetime. The South Node is what you came into this life with, and it’s read from the viewpoint of what you didn’t get right in the last life and what you suffered from. You know how to do the South Node because it’s your default pattern in this life still, as an old habit. But it doesn’t serve you anymore. It takes courage and a willingness to try something new—to do the North Node remedy. 


People make astrology seem more complicated than it needs to be. Sure, one needs to learn the basic language of the planets, signs and aspects, and the underlying principles, but it isn’t as complicated to understand if you are simply looking for what you need to do to make your life better and more in alignment with your Soul Purpose. It’s in that nugget of information in your North Node. 


Doesn’t your Sun sign say everything? Not at all. It describes your personality. And you probably know that already. What about the Moon? It describes your emotional life, and the Rising Sign describes the persona-mask you show the world and your style of doing things. But none of these are as important for you to know as your North Node.


How does it work? Well, look at your chart and find the sign your North Node is in, and read about what the highest expression of that sign is about. That is your personal true North; your compass. Then look at the planet that rules that sign and see what it’s doing in your chart, for a little more information. Then find the area of your life where your karmic North Node work is most relevant; that’s the house it’s in. Read about all the expressions of that house. Now you know what and where—look next to see if there are planets conjuncting either the North or South Node and read about what those planets mean—throw them into the alchemical stew we are making. 


This is where you may need help from an astrologer to more fully understand what those added planets mean to your story, and also if there are squares to the Nodes creating a “skipped step.” There are nuances and permutations which are fascinating to learn, but if you simply want the basics it’s as simple as knowing the sign and house. 


You are creating an alchemical stew here and it requires a quality of intuition to bring the nodal story together…to take the intuitive leap that brings signs, houses, planets and aspects together. I guess that’s what keeps us astrologers in business! It does get nuanced and it’s not easy to read the story for yourself; but it is what evolutionary astrologers such as Steven Forrest and many of us do. We can look at your Nodes and see where there is “gold” or goodness in the South Node past life story, and we can adjust the interpretation of your Nodal story so you can see it in light of your whole chart. However, the basic information is there in your chart, in the Nodes, to see for free. It’s the gold in your chart and it’s worth having a compass in this life--it’s worth having a prescription for healing. It can change your life.


~Elizabeth Spring         From Podcast: North Node Astrology

Thursday, September 17, 2020

Hello Readers! Well, so many of you like to listen as well as to read, so don't forget to go to your Apple or Spotify Podcasts for all the archived Podcasts. Some of them are also on page 2 here:   

Saturday, August 15, 2020

New North Node Astrology Podcast

Here's my new podcast on the Nodes which is available on Apple and most podcast Apps. Here's a sample: the first one on North Node Aries.

Thursday, June 18, 2020

Astrology Readings

Yes, I'm doing astrology readings! Check out: to see how to quickly set up an appointment by phone. Even though I'm not an active blogger these days, I am a busy astrologer and would be happy to get your email request for a reading: Because of my books and articles which have spread around the world I tend to get many long distance requests--which is not a problem, as I use a phone recording service that makes it very simple. (Sometimes the hardest part is just getting the time zone correct.) My readings include the birth, transit and progressed charts so that our session can be relevant to what is happening with you now; as well as looking at the Nodes. I request an email letter beforehand so we can focus in on your questions and concerns. This blog had it's birth so many years ago (!) and I hope you find information here that will be helpful to you. ~Elizabeth

Sunday, February 9, 2020

North Node Table

Find Your North Node Using this Table You can use this table to find the sign of your North Node, remembering too that the South Node is always the sign that is exactly opposite it; of 180 degrees away. So for example, if you were born Oct 1 1947 your North Node sign would be Taurus. If you were born March 24 1979 your North Node would be in Virgo. After you find your North Node sign, scroll down the side bar to find the link to the description of your Nodes. If you were born between these dates, your North Node is the sign following the dates. Jan 1/40 – May 24/41 it is Libra, Dec 24/62 -Aug 25/64 it is Cancer, and so on through all these dates: May 25/41 -Nov 21/42 Virgo, Aug 26/64 -Feb 19/66 Gemini, Nov 22/42 – May 11/44 Leo, Feb 20/66 -Aug 19/67 Taurus, May 12/44 – Dec 3/45 Cancer, Aug 20/67 -Apr 19/69 Aries, Dec 4/45 – Aug 2/47 Gemini, Apr 20/69 – Nov 2/70 Pisces, Aug 3/47 – Jan 26/49 Taurus, Nov 3/70 – Apr 27/72 Aquarius, Jan 27/49 – Jul 26/50 Aries, Apr 28/72 – Oct 27/73 Capricorn, Jul 27/50 – Mar 28/52 Pisces, Oct 28/73 – Jul 9/75 Sagittarius, Mar 29/52 – Oct 9/53 Aquarius, Jul 10/75 – Jan 7/77 Scorpio, Oct 10/53 – Apr 2/55 Capricorn, Jan 8/77 – Jul 5/78 Libra, Apr 3/55 – Oct 4/56 Sagittarius, Jul 6/78 – Jan 5/80 Virgo, Oct 5/56 – Jun 16/58 Scorpio, Jan 6/80 – Sep 24/81 Leo, Jun 17/58 – Dec 15/59 Libra, Sep 25/81 – Mar 16/83 Canc, Dec 16/59 – Jun 10/61 Virgo, Mar 17/83 – Sep 11/84 Gem, Jun 11/61 – Dec 23/62 Leo, Sep 12/84 – Apr 6/86 Taur, Date Sign Apr 7/86 – Dec 2/87 Aries, Dec 3/87 – May 22/89 Pisces, May 23/89 – Nov 18/90 Aquarius, Nov 19/90 – Aug 1/92 Capricorn, Aug 2/92 – Feb 1/94 Sagittarius, Feb 2/94 – Jul 31/95 Scorpio, Aug 1/95 – Jan 25/97 Libra, Jan 26/97 – Oct 20/98 Virgo, Oct 21/98 – Apr 9/00 Leo, Apr 10/00 – Oct 13/01 Cancer, Oct 14/01 – Apr 14/03 Gemini, Apr 15/03 – Dec 26/04 Taurus, Dec 27/04 – Jun 22/06 Aries, Jun 23/06 – Dec 18/07 Pisces, Dec 19/07 – Aug 21/09 Aquarius.

Astrology for the Third Act of Life with Elizabeth Spring

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

I am doing Readings again!

I am doing readings again, and all the info for setting up a reading is here: http// Readings are in my home or mostly by phone and they are recorded. We use the free conference call number on my website and I do readings from all over the world with no recording cost; the link to the recording is sent to you after our session. Readings are usually just over an hour long and include your birth, transit and progressed charts with special attention to the North and South Nodes. These relate to life direction and Soul purpose; and you can find my book: North Node Astrology on I ask you to send me an email letter with your concerns and questions before so that as I prepare I'll know if you are simply feeling stuck or have a specific relationship, career, or health issue. So to set up a reading: first email me with some days and times you might be available. I can often do a reading within a few days. I will email you back right away, and once we've set up our appointment time, then you go back to the website and secure it with payment on the site. Then email me your letter with your birth info (including time and place) and a little about you and your concerns now. I'll let you know I received it, and we will be all set. Readings are $150 unless you are returning within a year: $100. I've been a full time astrologer since 1992 and have apprenticed with Steven Forrest, Alice Howell, and studied with many others. My Master's degree is in psychology with an emphasis in the work of Carl Jung.