Squares to the Nodes—Your Karmic “Skipped Step”
How do you get to your North Node? How do you know how best to prioritize things? What has been left unresolved karmically from past lives? At this point, you understand the idea of the Nodes: the North Node is the direction your Soul longs to go towards in this life, and the South Node is the direction you need to move away from—your default patterns that you may have “brought over” from another life. But how do you get to what the North Node is all about? You’ve read the description of the North Node sign and house placement, and you’ve read the description of the South Node sign and house, but still you have questions. Good questions.
One of the hints the chart gives us to look at is the aspects to the Nodes—especially if you have squares to the Nodes. Many people have this aspect, which is called: the skipped step. To understand it you need to let your imagination roam around the meaning of the planet that is squared. Again, what sign is it in? What house? There is something in the nature of this placement that is telling you what you need to do as part of your process of getting to the North Node. You need to pick up the unfinished business here—there is something about what that skipped step is about that remains as a complex or as a forgotten way of thinking that needs to be addressed and brought into your life now. You can understand that skipped step as being a karmic “bad habit” from a former life, or simply a blind spot in your psyche.
Blind spot? The skipped step is often what we don’t want to look at or deal with—it’s the missing piece of the puzzle, the dropped stitch, the piece that needs the most priority in your life now, and often receives the least.
For example: today I did a reading for a woman who had so many skills and abilities, yet she was feeling quite stuck for a number of reasons. We touched on what those issues were about, but I was left with the feeling that if she would take care of her body/health, then the rest would fall into place rather easily. She needed to address the square to her Nodes, which pointed to the 6th house of health. And, at this point in her life I felt there was a certain urgency to it.
Jeffrey Green and Steven Forrest were the first I know of to call this aspect the skipped step. The blockages and distortions that are symbolized by the planet and house that is square to the Nodes is a critical piece to consider when looking at a chart. Yet nothing is ever truly skipped or lost—it’s just put away till another time, or done unconsciously. But for those who want more direct answers to life direction and soul purpose questions, these aspects are a wealth of information. Ironically, as easy as they are to see, they’re never easy to understand. Elizabeth Spring www.elizabethspring.com
My nodes are squared by Pluto in Libra in the 11th...
ReplyDeleteHuum, I need to be a leader of others? Lol... I don't feel like a leader... I don't know. I nedd to have more profund and deep friendships? I have to study this planet/house/sign..
With such a wanbe heavy astrology portfolio that you present on your website, you write a short and diluted article about nodes. Any neophyte on any astrology forum would write a better article about nodes.
ReplyDeleteJeez, I wonder what did you write in those books of yours.....
Ths practice is being broken down to laymans terms and is greatly appreciated stop trying to discredit this information because its free and you payed to go to school to learn what is obviously common sense that ay human can pick up on easily. Jealousy is a nasty way of living.
ReplyDeleteThank you for this article. My north node in Gemini at the end of the 5th house squares my Sun, Venus and Chiron (exact) in Pisces in the 2nd and Mars and Pluto in Virgo in the 8th. In addition, Chiron aspects every single planet except Mercury, mostly hard aspects. Sometimes I feel like a gaping wound walking around, haunted by a feeling of impending doom. Strangely, that is not the impression I have given to the outside world for most of my life... until recently. The blockages to reaching the path the North Node is pointing to seem to be manifesting as that doom now. Somehow it just never works, none of it. What is the lesson in this? Accept a harsh fate? What is the wise way to deal with these energies?
ReplyDeleteLook for more info dealing with Sun squaring the nodes. Your life is playing out like a movie. You have to create an (Sun) to continue to the north node. You have to complete what ever tasks are symbolized by the planets and aspects that square the node to complete your mission. People will be there to block you as threshold that need to be broken through and threshold that skill keep you on the right path within the correct nodal boundaries. Work chiron you are THEE wounded healer
DeleteMy ascendant is in Capricorn as well. Sun and Venus squared the nodes in the 2nd with chiron your values well be how you help heal those you come across. It sounds like your Saturn return is all approaching if it hasn't passed already. The feeling you have(walking open wound) you are here to help others deal with their chiron aspects. Their wounded values. chiron will be Conjunt my Venus in nine months. I'll need your help :)
DeleteThe Aspects started moving at birth, including the Nodes if I'm not mistaken - So does the meaning of the nodes change as well, ... during the travels on the transit charts?
ReplyDeleteThe meaning of your natal node stays the same
DeleteHello. What could be said to describe Venus in 10th squaring NN in 6th?
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ReplyDeleteInteresting article. But how to overcome a north node conjunct Uranus in 1st opposite a terribly wounded Chiron in 7th square a rigid, severe and pessimistic Saturn in 10th??? Not only I missed the step, I´m not sure I´ll ever find it!!
ReplyDeleteI have Nodes square to Neptune in 6th house (sagittarius and capricorn). Neptune is also in sextile with Pluto, wich cojunction with Sun. The question: person wants to be psychologist, psychoterapist. Does this profession is not very good regarding bad aspect from Nodes to Neptune?