My North Node is in Gemini, widely conjuncted by Uranus, in the 7th House, and my South Node is Sagittarius in the 1st. The astro-blogosphere is a great place for one with NN in Gemini – zipping around gathering gems of information to share with a wide circle of friends from around the globe, promoting & networking and generally having a good time chatting people up. Gemini loves new information and with Uranus influencing my N Node, information gathered and disseminated through technology is an excellent fit.
Having the South Node in Sagittarius in the 1st House means paying attention to old ways and patterns of handling stress, particularly in the public arena – retreating to the monastery is not an option any more, literally or figuratively. Elizabeth provided me with a great clue when she asked if I found matters related to the S Node boring. And I had to say, “Yes!” One of those cases where the obvious was staring me in the face . . . I’m wondering if anyone else is experiencing this; if so, please let us know.
For those of you who are unfamiliar with me, here is a brief bio:
Neith has been a student of Astrology for more years than she cares to think about. In 1978, she studied with noted astrologer, David Pond, which led to collecting birth data from family, friends and acquaintances. That was when she started her extensive astrological reference library which includes Liz Greene, Steven Arroyo, Robert Hand, Betty Lundsted, Martin Schulman, Dane Rudhyar and many more. With Libra being the sign of both her Sun and Moon, her main area of interest is the astrology involved in relationships. She also started blogging on astrology in 2006 and that has opened myriad new avenues to expand her astrological knowledge base. As to formal education, she has a B.A. in Art with minors in Psychology, Sociology and Biology. She’s worked in art galleries, libraries, vet’s offices and is currently focusing on developing her online astrology practice.
Please feel free to ask questions and throw out thoughts and comments because one or the other of us will be happy to offer feedback. After all, we are both Libras and the dance of give and take is second nature.
This is one my wreaths made from cedar & holly from our yard and fir boughs from our Christmas tree. The circle of the wreath is a symbol of inclusiveness and fits well with North Node in Gemini.
hi, from Rio! From an astrologer who just found out about you and your work! Just reading about Second Saturn return and I came across you at Astro.com. Because of what you wrote, I am paying attention to the Nodes, about I know little. Very interesting indeed. I am also NN Gemini/SN Sagitarius, but the other way round, 1st/7th. I will come back here often. All the best!