This is a guest post by Neith
Whenever I wish to do some astrological research I have my family birth data to draw upon going back a couple of generations. In this instance, I was curious to see what the patterns were within the family for Reversed Moon’s Nodes for couples and their children. My personal experience of relating to another person who has the opposite Nodes suggests proximity is an important factor. I have several cyber-friends with North Node in Sagittarius very close to my South Node in Sagittarius and there are no problems at all. It seems to take the day-to-day interchanges to up the irritation factor – like working with someone or living with them in a family setting.
What I found after looking up all my extended family’s birth dates was very interesting. Out of all the couples in both my parent’s generation and mine, only ONE had Reversed Nodes! In fact, only a few parent/children had Reversed Nodes and most of the time it was the mother, not the father, involved. These were children that left home at the first opportunity, usually going off to school halfway across the country.
It is my aunt and uncle who live closest to us who have the Reversed Nodes. They will have been married for 55 years this year and it has been a stressful relationship most of that time. My uncle is 10 yrs older than my aunt (my mother’s youngest sister) and they have 5 children, the oldest of whom is 9 years younger than I. I don’t have birth times for either person so I will just review the astrology using the shorthand method.
My aunt is an Aquarius Sun, Capricorn Moon and my uncle has a Taurus Sun and very likely an Aquarius Moon. If this is the case, the Luminaries form a trine and conjunction by sign – very compatible! Their Moons would be semi-sextile (Capricorn to Aquarius) and that does seem to fit. My aunt is extremely well organized and always had neatly written lists of chores for her kids posted about. =grin=
Their Mercury’s are trine too. Her Mercury is in Capricorn and his in Taurus and they are both practical sorts and can take care of business when they need to.
His Mars is in Libra trine her Venus in Aquarius and her Mars in Capricorn is trine his Venus in Taurus. However, with their Mars square by sign, they have a difficult time agreeing on how to work together. And their Venuses are square giving them very different ideas of enjoyment. Once their children were grown they quite attempting to vacation together at all and my uncle would go hunting with my dad (they have been friends since childhood) and my aunt would fly off to Europe by herself.
Saturn plays a role here too with Saturn/Venus intra-aspects, always a good indicator of durability. Plus his Mercury/Venus conjunction in Taurus are exactly conjunct her Chiron/North Node in Taurus. He has his Sun conjunct his South Node in Taurus and is quite comfortable living in home he was born in and grew up in . . .
I believe it is the combination of very compatible elements, the Saturn/Venus intra-aspect and the tidy synastry stellium in Taurus, noted for staying with the known quantity, which has contributed to them staying together. They are both Fixed sign types too and the Nodal axis here is Taurus/Scorpio, noted for tenacity. But I know first hand how bitter things are and how unhappy they have been for much of their married life. Based on my own experiences and this example, I have to say if I saw Reversed Nodes in a couple’s synastry, I would caution them to really consider carefully what type of relationship they wish to have.
A snip of this post appears on Neith on Synastry.
What I found after looking up all my extended family’s birth dates was very interesting. Out of all the couples in both my parent’s generation and mine, only ONE had Reversed Nodes! In fact, only a few parent/children had Reversed Nodes and most of the time it was the mother, not the father, involved. These were children that left home at the first opportunity, usually going off to school halfway across the country.
It is my aunt and uncle who live closest to us who have the Reversed Nodes. They will have been married for 55 years this year and it has been a stressful relationship most of that time. My uncle is 10 yrs older than my aunt (my mother’s youngest sister) and they have 5 children, the oldest of whom is 9 years younger than I. I don’t have birth times for either person so I will just review the astrology using the shorthand method.
My aunt is an Aquarius Sun, Capricorn Moon and my uncle has a Taurus Sun and very likely an Aquarius Moon. If this is the case, the Luminaries form a trine and conjunction by sign – very compatible! Their Moons would be semi-sextile (Capricorn to Aquarius) and that does seem to fit. My aunt is extremely well organized and always had neatly written lists of chores for her kids posted about. =grin=
Their Mercury’s are trine too. Her Mercury is in Capricorn and his in Taurus and they are both practical sorts and can take care of business when they need to.
His Mars is in Libra trine her Venus in Aquarius and her Mars in Capricorn is trine his Venus in Taurus. However, with their Mars square by sign, they have a difficult time agreeing on how to work together. And their Venuses are square giving them very different ideas of enjoyment. Once their children were grown they quite attempting to vacation together at all and my uncle would go hunting with my dad (they have been friends since childhood) and my aunt would fly off to Europe by herself.
Saturn plays a role here too with Saturn/Venus intra-aspects, always a good indicator of durability. Plus his Mercury/Venus conjunction in Taurus are exactly conjunct her Chiron/North Node in Taurus. He has his Sun conjunct his South Node in Taurus and is quite comfortable living in home he was born in and grew up in . . .
I believe it is the combination of very compatible elements, the Saturn/Venus intra-aspect and the tidy synastry stellium in Taurus, noted for staying with the known quantity, which has contributed to them staying together. They are both Fixed sign types too and the Nodal axis here is Taurus/Scorpio, noted for tenacity. But I know first hand how bitter things are and how unhappy they have been for much of their married life. Based on my own experiences and this example, I have to say if I saw Reversed Nodes in a couple’s synastry, I would caution them to really consider carefully what type of relationship they wish to have.
A snip of this post appears on Neith on Synastry.
Hi (I came here through Neith's blog)!
ReplyDeleteI'll keep this in mind, Neith! Having reversed nodes also indicates quite a wide age gap between the partners, as you noted, doesn't it? Even though that's common it's not so frequent.
I wonder if generational planets have a great impact on compatibility - say "you're from the Uranus in Scorpio generation, I can't possibly understand you!" lol Probably not. I'm guessing marriages with big age-gaps work better because the couple has already trespassed a great barrier by marrying someone much older/younger.
Very interesting post, Neith. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteI hadn't really considered reversed nodes until I met someone who has nodes exactly opposite mine. While I expected they would be different from me, I was surprised how much like looking through a spyglass the wrong way my experience interacting with them was. Our values didn't seem terribly opposed and one could definately draw similarities between us, but often I found I had to clarify my intentions and desires with them. Also, I found myself second guessing my intuition around them.
A committed relationship with someone with opposite nodes seems galvanizing, forcing one to always communicate clearly and continually question one's world view. I could see many people being drawn together by opposing nodes but finding the experience so difficult as to question their core values.
It is no wonder to me that children tend to move far away from their reverse node parents as adults.
My mother and I have exactly reversed nodes. I'm NN Libra and she's NN Aries.
ReplyDeleteYou might think that this would encourage us to try other modes in life, but we drive each other CRAZY, basically. Her desperate need to cling makes me scream, "Suck it up and deal with it yourself!", and that exacerbates my own loner tendencies. Being around her makes me REALLY not want to partner, and she looks at me like I'm a foreigner. What a mess.
I don't live that far away from my mother (an hour and a half), but a LOT of people think I should move far, far away from her. If I wasn't so opposed to moving out of this state, I might.
I'll keep this in mind, Neith! Having reversed nodes also indicates quite a wide age gap between the partners, as you noted, doesn't it? Even though that's common it's not so frequent.
ReplyDeleteHi DM! It's roughly every 10 years the Nodes are reversed. And not too many people choose partners outside that range. Many people choose partners within a year or two of their age and often have the same Nodes. It has a lot to do with proximity and availability though the Internet is connecting people in a very different way than ever before. :-)
Hi Nathan! Good to see you here in the astro-blogosphere again!
ReplyDeleteA committed relationship with someone with opposite nodes seems galvanizing, forcing one to always communicate clearly and continually question one's world view. I could see many people being drawn together by opposing nodes but finding the experience so difficult as to question their core values.
It is no wonder to me that children tend to move far away from their reverse node parents as adults.
I'm beginning to think Reversed Node relationships can be overwhelming and intense. A taste will last us for quite awhile.
You might think that this would encourage us to try other modes in life, but we drive each other CRAZY, basically. Her desperate need to cling makes me scream, "Suck it up and deal with it yourself!", and that exacerbates my own loner tendencies. Being around her makes me REALLY not want to partner, and she looks at me like I'm a foreigner. What a mess.
ReplyDeleteHi Jennifer! Your description of your relationship with your mother pretty much says it all when it comes to Reversed Nodes. We like to think we can deal but the irritation factor seems to grow more intense the longer we interact. Are there other factors in your synastry with your mother on the plus side?
Yeah, my dad and I have reversed nodes. We could not be more different, yet remarkably alike.
ReplyDeleteI'm pretty lucky - I have both South Node AND moon in Sag so I can both relate (south node) and empathise (moon) with Sags, most of the time.
ReplyDeleteBut I do want to comment on real life proximity: I don't notice any difference in aggravation. My Gemini communication north node wants thought leaders who communicate with brevity, with questions, and with personal experience. Sagittarius online can drive me insane - they write long winded, airyfairy philosophical posts, riding rough shod over others with generalisations such as "oh of course that happened to you - bad past life karma". All 'answers' and no questions. blech.
But I do seek out people who have reversed nodes - if I can stand it, they know what I need to know, and I can show them what they need. But I have to guard against seeping into them and v.v. Tricky. :)
Interesting reading. I wonder did you take into consideration the houses? As in, I have a 5th House Aquarius south node and a 11th North node in Leo. And I have met someone with a NN in Aquarius in the 7th. So even though my NN is in Leo there because it is in the 11th house it still is something about giving something back to community, groups. So therefore I think the reversed nodes in synastry may not be as much of a problem? Would you agree?
ReplyDeleteHi Julia~
ReplyDeleteYes, I agree that house placement in very important, and you see there are descriptions of each house on the site....but I must say I go into the houses, their meanings and complexities, and the all the deeper meanings you can get through rulerships, aspects and planets to the Nodes in the new book, North Node Astrology. If you want to buy it through this site rather than amazon, I'll include a synastry chart for you and (?) if you send me all the birth info in an email....~elizabeth
Hi Elizabeth, I would like to buy the book NN Astrology trough your site and also to get synastry chart. Let me know what should I do. Thank you!
ReplyDeleteVivian T.