Pluto, Pain, and Polarities: the Yin/ Yang Symbol
Most of us die with unresolved issues. Most of us die with a few regrets and unanswered questions. We have held grief, and know of the illusions, betrayals, and expectations of ourselves and others that weren’t met. Most astrologers look to the planet Pluto to tell more of the Soul-story about this aspect of life, as Pluto carries the archetype of the deep wound. When we feel our emotional body to be heavy with grief, when we feel anger, abuse or fear the potential of power and power struggles, then we know Pluto.
Most of us die with unresolved issues. Most of us die with a few regrets and unanswered questions. We have held grief, and know of the illusions, betrayals, and expectations of ourselves and others that weren’t met. Most astrologers look to the planet Pluto to tell more of the Soul-story about this aspect of life, as Pluto carries the archetype of the deep wound. When we feel our emotional body to be heavy with grief, when we feel anger, abuse or fear the potential of power and power struggles, then we know Pluto.
The South Node holds the history of Pluto through many unresolved past lives. So much of what we carry within us unconsciously is buried here. The personal unconscious, as well as the family unconscious, carries an “imprint” from these lives, as well as from our early childhood. Here are the blockages, the complexes, the issues of betrayal and lack of trust; here are the psychological distortions some of us call evil.
Perhaps it is within the archetype of Saturn that we are truly invited us to do the work to find new endings to old stories, and to release and heal whatever is still undigested by the heart. Not an easy thing to do! The good news is that deep in our psyche is also a remembrance of inner truths, talents, and inclinations that only we can intuit. Some astrologers look to archetype of Jupiter for the story of this. Look to the sign and house position of Jupiter when you need to see more closely where you are graced.
But it is within the North and South Node that we hold the full duality of promise and pain. Just like the wound of Pluto, and grace and gift of Jupiter, each holds a part of the other within it. The symbol of the Yin/Yang with the circular dot in the center of each side, embodies the relationship of the Nodes what I call the “gold in the shadow.” The curving symbol of the yin/yang with the complementary dots in each side, suggest the interconnection between the two.
We understand the Yin/Yang symbol as reflecting the intricate balance and connection between these two polarities: the progressive/light/ positive qualities and regressive/dark/ negative qualities. The Yin/Yang symbol shows the potential for the highest and lowest expression in each choice we make, just as each Node speaks to both what is unresolved and undigested within us, as well as being the “medicine” that will bring us greatest relief. The North Node can be seen as where we are open to an “inflow” and where we nourish our Souls. However, there’s something unfamiliar about the North Node, and like tasting a new food, we often don’t know what to think about it. Do we really like it? Are we open to it? If we can take it in, it’s our best cure; it’s the vitamin that we’re deficient in. We feed ourselves here.
In contrast, the South Node, in its highest expression, is where we can feed the world; it’s our gift—it’s something we innately understand and can give to others. The power of Pluto past and present, resides here. The South Node, in its lower expression, is like the tail of the dragon—it’s where we release the bitter undigested parts—dare we say it’s “where we shit.” And, where we spread our un-healing pain into the world.
The polarities and paradoxes of the Nodes are not truly opposite—in fact, because every astrological opposition carries within it the seed of its opposite, like the yin-yang symbol, each side holds a piece of the other contained in it. So it’s not all about just reaching for the highest expression of the North Node and struggling against the lower expression of the South Node—what is truly expressed in this symbol is the very human, imperfect movement between the two—a give and take: a dance. When we are able to hold the balance, what “shows up” within us is an energetic re-engagement with life, an inspiration, and a growing re-enchantment with the process of our life. Ah…here is where we extend ourselves past our comfort zones—when we reach into that place where we can love more and truly give of ourselves. The surprise is that in the giving we are able to receive more, and because of the receiving, we are able to give more. (c) elizabeth spring www.elizabethspring.com
My North Node is Libra in Second House. South Node is Aries in 8th house.
ReplyDeleteThe problem is ruler of 8th house Pluto is in 2nd house and ruler of second house venus is in 8th. Mars is afflicted in 7th house and Saturn is in 12th.